Sunday, May 13, 2012

Poptropica fashion:Harry Potter cast:Harry Potter

In this post im going to show you a poptropica version of harry potter

  • Hair:You can get this hair from Jack on Red Dragon island.
  • Glasses:You can get the glasses from the Scientist at pendulum's lab.
  • Mouth:You can get this mouth anywhere on poptropica.
  • Shirt,Coat,Pants and Belt:You can get this from the guy infront of the magic tree house store.
  • Broom:You can get it from one of the witches at the haunted house


  1. OMG!!! add the username "theoneandonlyharrypotter" he has ur costume on! it cant be a coincedance he mustve saw it on ur blog

  2. he couldn't of got it from fierce moon cuz mine is different than hers
